Friday, November 05, 2010

The year is ZOOMING by!

I completely missed October. The month flew by...I do remember Halloween though, the kids had fun dressing up. I had fun getting lots of pictures!  Football is over for the eldest boy...they won their final game so, that made the season ending a little easier I guess. I enjoyed it lots more than I thought I would. I had such joy and pride seeing him dressed in that uniform. Funny how the littlest things bring such happiness.
November here, bring on the Turkey and Dressing. I am looking forward to spending time with loved ones and friends. I wish in some magical realm...ALL of my peoples could be in one place at one time. Then I could freeze those moments for ever. I have these dreams building a commune/township of nothing but family and friends of mine. We can all live in the same areas yet, each have our own privacy too. Weekly meetings to catch up on all sorts of issues and things (like a big front porch sitting). I wonder if we would all get sick of each other.. HAHa.
Family is good, Friends are well, and Life is GREAT! What else could I ask for?

My Peeps