Friday, November 11, 2011

Over a year...

I have lost friends and rekindled old friendships, and made a few new ones which I love! I feel a little overwhelmed sometimes trying to keep up, but hey what can you do.

I chose to go back to school, psychology...I always like to fix people why not get paid for I guess. They say I am a good listener, always asked for my opinion on things...why not make bank while I am at it.

The family is doing ok. Teenager is driving me batty....he just doesn't use his brain sometimes and it is making me crazy. He has been hinting to me that he wants to go into the military. The marines to be exact. I don't have a problem with this at all...I just want him to make sure that is what he wants to do.

Today is 11-11-11... let's see I have experience all of these so far... 1-1-01, 2-2-02. 3-3-03, and so on up until now oh and 9-9-99. and next year 12-12-12... pretty cool! My whole family with exception of my youngest... that is a neat little quirp...funny what amuses people huh?!?!

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Well well well....I need to be slapped.

Again more empty promises to keep this blog updated...yeah EPIC FAIL in that department...Hello April!
I started my exercise routine back up last night. We have been having dinner at the table, all five of us. No TV, No phones...just us. I like it, it is nice. Last night was pizza, bread sticks, and salad. I had only one small piece of pizza, one small piece of a breadstick, and a big salad. Afterwords I walked 1.57 miles. I ran a little bit too... felt really good afterwards.
This morning I weighed in 225. I have lost 2lbs since the weekend. Yay! I woke up and did some cardio(dance with my mp3 player) for 20 mins, and then did some strength training on my ball too. I am going to walk after dinner tonight too.
The boys are doing well. I am a Tball mom. He really likes it so I am happy.

Husband and I are doing very well. I love that man for everything. He built me a garden box. Love that man I really do !

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

2011...January gone...Hello February

Totally missed another whole month...well 2 if you count December. Christmas went well. New year came in without any hitches. Planning a wedding for the step brother. He is finally going to make an honset woman of her... uh two kids and a house Nothing wrong with working backwards I guess... Hell Andrew and I did it too... And we are still here... 20th will be 7yrs married. This year he and I will have been together for 15 years...Funny how time seems to go by faster with each passing year. I love him though... always have. Even through the toughest things we did to each other, I never stopped loving him. I used to think he settled for me... but with a little time and reassurance I realized we didn't settle on anything... We both fought tooth and nail to be where we are today...and I wouldn't trade that for anything.

Cold front came through this morning... dropped 30degrees in an hour. Forcast has snow prediction for Friday morning. I really can't wait... going to have the camera ready too....The kids are going to be excited about it too.

My Peeps