Friday, November 05, 2010

The year is ZOOMING by!

I completely missed October. The month flew by...I do remember Halloween though, the kids had fun dressing up. I had fun getting lots of pictures!  Football is over for the eldest boy...they won their final game so, that made the season ending a little easier I guess. I enjoyed it lots more than I thought I would. I had such joy and pride seeing him dressed in that uniform. Funny how the littlest things bring such happiness.
November here, bring on the Turkey and Dressing. I am looking forward to spending time with loved ones and friends. I wish in some magical realm...ALL of my peoples could be in one place at one time. Then I could freeze those moments for ever. I have these dreams building a commune/township of nothing but family and friends of mine. We can all live in the same areas yet, each have our own privacy too. Weekly meetings to catch up on all sorts of issues and things (like a big front porch sitting). I wonder if we would all get sick of each other.. HAHa.
Family is good, Friends are well, and Life is GREAT! What else could I ask for?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

When September comes....

Things are busy busy busy...Football, flat tires, Holiday season soon approaching. Craziness but I enjoy it. I recieved a text message poking fun at the president yet again...I chuckled because it was funny....rude, but funny. I feel confused about things when it comes to him. I voted for him...only to get a democrat in office...look where that has seemed to have gotten this country. Scared the new health plan is going to hurt my week to week paycheck family. We have a roof and enough food to feed from week to week. Our bills are paid, but if anything comes up we are in almost every sense screwed. Flat tire put a cramp in my day for about an hour....yet another flat the following week hurt the pocket book drastically...things shouldn't be so tough.
Holiday season soon approaching....good fun, family, and friends. Gifts may not be on the list... but that is ok... family love and togetherness should and will suffice us all.

I will continue to count each and one of my blessings individually and be thankful for all that I DO have...

Friday, September 10, 2010

Fall Football Exercise Freedom Car Rider Line....

Well schools in session, routines are being established both for me and the boys...

Jake is playing football and participating in band this year. He is doing both to see what he likes to do...he may be another Nick Hoad(* played the quads at half-time in his football uniform) and do both! Had his first scrimage in front of a crowd yesterday. He did really well. I felt even more pride well up inside of me...

I decided to spoil my boys this year since we live in town now...they get taken to school everyday. It's nice. I take JD first, makes him feel important :).  After I drop Jake off, I head to the walking trail behind the town hall to get a mile in everyday. It is a nice refreshing walk every morning. My just for me time. Then I come home and compile a list of things to do; clean, crochet, sew, run errands; etc.. 

Then when time to pick JD up I get the jump start on the car rider line...which holy cow is a long line, but I imagine it is the same at every biggy though.

knocking on wood and praying to the Lord above as I type this...NO HURRICANES this year... I am feeling the fall weather soon approaching. I love the smell of the air after that first cool front comes through. The kids love it to... it means they can enjoy the outdoors again without the threat of heatstroke and being carried away by mosquitos....


Monday, August 16, 2010

Hurry up and slow down...

This year has proven to be a great outlook on life...lost a few important beings...regained and recovered a few others will come in time I guess.

Had a visit from the father....was a good visit. Looking forward to the upcoming academic beginning for the minions...they are oh so yearning for knowledge from a different life teacher. Parents' teachings are taught, but must be pounded harder than anyone else's efforts...

Whoop there it is!


Sunday, July 11, 2010

A visit from New York

Have a had a great visit from my dad. He drove down from New York on Friday, got here Saturday morning. I made it a surprise for Heather. I went and picked her up on Friday. I didn't tell her it was for a special reason. She was so amazed and happy!
This is the "hanging" tree still in Old Town Coldspring

We have went to the Livingston Dam, the Coushatta Res, and various other places.

 I made the whole family a gumbo from scratch on Saturday night...first time ever! And they all loved it so I must have done something right somewhere.

Monday, June 14, 2010

So this is what's up...

Summer is here for the kiddos...yeah for the parents, not really I enjoy sleeping in and them being here all day. Lil' man is at his mother's for the week, feels strange, but gives me plenty of time to have some mom and son time with the Turdboy ( term of endearment)!

I miss some friends though...wish time and place travel was instantainious. We could all be next neighbors in my fantasy world that I live in inside my head...Always said if I won the lottery, I would build my own sub-division, and EVERYONE I knew would come to live in it...Build my own little it Redopolis! I do enjoy living out here has grown on me quite a bit.

Got some sad news today about a relative....Andrew's Meemaw....She says she is ready....that brings some calming peace to our hearts----she has led a very extraordinary life! I miss my mom, but I was told in one of her last coherent conversations that she had, she said that she was tired (of fighting) and was ready to go home. Do you think people know? In situtations like that... that they know when it is their time and they can prepare accordingly? I have such mixed emotions about that... I think it would be cool to prepare myself and my family for my time, but then again I don't think I want to have that burden of dishing out the painful news... I do know one thing.... I have NO regrets in any of the choices I have made in my life. If I were to go back and change life would not be as blessed as it is now....

I changed the diet up on the family....Amanda, you inspired me to do this....I only buy from the outer ring of the grocery store now...with the exception of canned processed foods, only whole wheat, no sugar, only sweetners and fruits for the snacks. Andrew can tell the difference, he has already had to cinch up a notch on his belt...I can tell a small difference in myself but women are harder to lose weight than men, go figure right ladies. The kids are loving it because they can all the fruit and veggies they want. Drink all the sugar free Kool-aid they want. Sugar free popsicles! Who knows maybe this will work out for us! Get this Heather is in a size 10 jeans... she looks great! And she knows she it...she keeps flaunting it...little hussy..LOL

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Humor in Someone's Stupidity

I was on my way home this evening, driving and jamming to some Evanessence when I see a state trooper. He has someone pulled over. I slow my vehicle down consciously for safety and sub-consciously to rubberneck. I see a man, mid- forties, standing with his hand on his hip and the other on the tail gate of his little truck. He has this utter look of disgust as he shakes his head from side to side. I am curious by now. I then see the state trooper also with one hand on his hip and bobbing his head side to side with anger and delight as he slowly pours this mans beer out of the cans. I repeat CANS. From my very feeble deductive reasoning I have gathered that this man was drinking one of his six cans of beer whilst driving. The trooper doing his job to keep other drivers safe decided to insure that after this man was issued a ticket for drinking and driving, he was not going to be able to pop a top on another beer until his next store stop. The cans were still in the plastic rings.....the look on the troopers face was priceless. I would imagine with the holiday weekend approaching, this drinking driver was not just slapped a piece of paper, but rather he was arrested. The trooper was just proving a point.
I know that I often poke meaness at "black and whites" or "bears", but these guys and gals are just doing their jobs. I was happy to see that for once tax dollars were being used correctly.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Decks are done man!!!

We spent the whole weekend building the decks on the new house... rainy one day and hotter than holy hell the next but it is done! Have to have walk through with the head honchos this afternoon...yay : / can you feel my sarcasm...Andrew is going to be bitching about some things, but that is fine because he does it far better than I do.
The laundry fairy threw up in my bathroom this weekend...have 6 loads to do...I still don't understand how that happens, but hey that's life right.
My youngest turns 6 tomorrow. Can't believe he has lived this, but he is a really good kid! He will graduate from Kindergarten in 3 weeks...this school year has FLOWN! Has been lots of pressure around here....but has finally paid off.
Have been thinking about my mom alot( I know that is not a REAL word, but hush) lately....wondering if she is having fun up there....pretty sure those cramps I keep getting are a sign from her to straighten up and get busy on whatever it is I am slacking on....I miss her. I went to the cemetary on First St. there in Splendora. I put flowers on her "grave". She is there between her mom and her grandma....threes generations of wonderful women...gone to soon, but now they are all together.
OoP the dryer dinged gotta jet~

Saturday, May 15, 2010

New house... still waiting...

The house is almost ready to move into, still need a few more hook-ups and the front porch needs to be put up....slow going but coming along. I really can't wait. I am ready to have my own house again. I love the people that have let us share a home with them for these past 6 months, but it is time for me and mine to be on our own again. I am looking forward to the new place....this time it is ours...nobody to answer to but purself and the fault of losing will be our own- AND TRUST ME when I say that is not going to happen. Through hell or high water I will make sure we stay there for a VERY long time!
My friend says she only has a short time left in Texas....makes me sad and come to the realization that I suck at trying to be a good friend...she has lived her for a while and I have till yet went and seen pathetic am I. I just hope that she know I think of her as a really good friend, eventhough we don't talk all the time nor do we ever see each other, that I think the world of her and that she will always have a place in my heart. Mary girl.... experience Italy a little bit for me....give Jason big hugs from me! And when y'all come back and settle in the states....I am coming to visit...wherever you decided to live!!! And that is a promise! ( I have never been to Florida :) WINK WINK)
Ok so today is a goner, but tomorrow is a new start.......peace out!

Craig Fergeson....funny funny man....dirty too!

I really hated him on the Drew Carey Show...but I really didn't like that show either. He has however found his true calling as funny late night talk show host. His crazy antics about the skeleton robot army and his paid hobo audience that never seems to get their chicken....too flippin' funny! His smile kills me....cute little devil!

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Maiden Voyage...for you Mary S.

Mary Stafford( future world famous photographer) turned me onto this spot... I love that girl.. am going to miss her when she moves to Italy, but I am happy for her and Jason getting to be together at least in the same hemisphere! So this maiden blog is for you my dear! Love ya!

My Peeps